
From My Heart To My Bestie's, You're Everything To Me

You were always my backbone, my defender, my best friend.

You helped me to see that not everyone has my best interests at heart, but that you always did.

I know now that it’s perfectly fine to be independent, but there should always be someone in your corner– you were that for me.

You lifted me up when I was at my lowest of lows, held my hand when I was lost in the dark, and made me laugh when I thought I would never smile again.

Thanks to you, I built my own backbone, and learned to stand up for myself against those who consistently knocked me down. You showed me my dreams weren’t crazy, but obtainable. You showed me how to start living life for me.

Acceptance is something people search their whole lives for, and possibly never find. I'm so blessed to have you, because from day one, you welcomed me with open arms. 

Being around you I'm completely myself, I never had to worry about you judging me, because this was our safe space. Together, we built each other up until we were on top of the world, side by side.

You taught me what it meant to love me, because no matter what you always did. You stuck around, stayed by my side, even when I was way off the deep end. 

If you could tough out my storms, see my flaws, hear my insecurities, and still love me, then I must be worth it.

Because of you, my strongest relationship— besides ours, is the one I have with myself. I can never thank you enough for that.

Without you, I'd only be half the person I am today.

No matter how much time passes, or where we go, you will always be my best friend.

I love you more than any words could ever explain.

You're my rock, my person, my forever friend. 

You're everything to me.

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