Helping Employees Maintain A Healthy Work/Life Balance

When you own a business, you take on the responsibility of employing people and keeping your employees happy. One of the core keys to success is prioritizing your employee’s happiness. They hold the power to make or break your business, and if they are happy, then you will see a positive impact on your business.

Helping your employees find the perfect work/life balance will help you with employee retention. One major aspect of owning a business that you must understand is that your employees can still be passionate about their jobs while having other responsibilities. Offering rewards and incentives such as glass awards plaques can help create incentives and drive to further employee goals and business initiatives. And when they have children, this will come above anything else, for example.

Making their lives easier and helping them out in different situations will be massively appreciated and will help everything to run smoothly.

Here are some of the simple ways that you can help your employees manage their time…


Organize Staff Socials Events

One of the best ways to boost employee morale and help workers get to know each other in a non-stressful environment is by offering an occasional company outing. This type of outing can be as low-key or as extravagant as you like, depending on your company’s culture and budget for such things. A simple lunch date or drink after work can make a difference.


Be a Good Model

No one likes a hypocrite, so make sure that your words and actions are in line. Let you employees lead by your example. If managers in your company are responding to emails while on vacation, it sends a message to employees that they are expected to do so as well.

Be sure to respect the balance and privacy of your employees and avoid contacting them after normal work hours unless it is an absolute emergency.


Open a Line of Communication

Communication is key in any situation, without communication, operations can become unorganized, and disconnected and people can become unhappy relatively quickly. Discussing personal life in work can feel difficult, but it is important to provide your employees with the opportunity to talk about their feelings at work.

Conducting regular reviews with all employees can have a really positive impact on your working environment. Whether they are struggling to find childcare, having problems in their home life, are trying to conceive, or are considering becoming a foster career – you will need to communicate with your staff so that you know what they are going through. It’s important to offer a level of support and try to assist in their work-life balance.



Many small companies are unable to provide childcare facilities, which is completely understandable. But there are several different ways that you can provide easier access to childcare for your employees.

You could, for example, provide your employees who are parents with vouchers for childcare as part of your salary package – this will not only be appreciated, but it will also be attractive to potential employees. Whether they have children of their own, foster a child, or have a responsibility to look after a family member’s child, you should take everything into account. Caring for a child in a massive toll, and could easily affect your employee’s work if you don’t offer them support.

A lot of people consider the bonus package as well as the salary when accepting a job offer, so it is important to cater to the individual if you want to increase employee acquisition.


Flexible working

Flexible work hours can take a number of forms, from reducing the working hours of a parent (if requested), to allowing them to work from home or part-time. As well as this, you could also allow them to start and finish outside of the normal working day, so working 10 – 6 one day, and 8-4 the next, for example.

This will ensure that the work is still getting completed, but also show that you are understanding of your employee’s situation and are willing to help them.

Published by

Bethany Pembrook

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