Hate is a four letter word, and it seems to be the only thing that pops up in the news and on my newsfeed since Trump took office in January.
I never thought that I would live in a world where I feared for the lives of my friends and family because of a white supremacists and Nazi sympathizers. This is 2017. This was supposed to be different.
Fuck you, Mr. Trump.
Fuck you for condoning hate, because not speaking out against neo Nazis and white supremacists is effectively approving of their behavior.
You have condemned everyone from Mexicans to Muslims, but you can’t bring yourself to say that neo Nazis and white supremacists are in the wrong.
Congratulations, you have chosen the wrong side.
Even Mitt Romney has come out against these people. You know that you’re doing something wrong when even Mitt Romney is better than you are.
Fuck you, Trump supporters.
Whether or not you’re attending “protests” for white supremacy and chanting “Make America White Again” is irrelevant. You have created the situation. Because of your ignorance, you have put millions of Americans in danger.
If you’re one of the horrendous human beings who is standing in the streets and supporting the white supremacists, fuck you.
You have created the situation. Because of your ignorance, you have put millions of Americans in danger.
Fuck you, silent Americans.
Fuck you for refusing to assist women, people of color, religious minorities, and the LGBT+ community during their times of need.
If you have stayed silent in an act of oppression than you have chosen the side of the oppressor. I know where I stand. What about you?
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