Newsflash, just because you have a dick doesn't mean you have to act like one.
But I guess that's too little too late. You treated me like shit and I suffered the consequences. Oh well, right? Nah.
You aren't getting off that easily. I sure as hell didn't.
You knew what I had been through. You saw me bawl my eyes out. You heard all the fucked up shit that was done to me.
So tell me, at what point during all of that did you decide it was a good idea to reenact my toxic history?
You claimed not to be a liar. But that was the biggest lie of all, wasn't it? You said you would never hurt me or want me to shed a tear because of something you did, but you've caused me the most pain yet.
I should have never trusted you. I should have listened when your friends warned me. But you see, what they didn't know was how you were when it was just you and me.
No, your friends didn't hear the nice things you said, but they turned out to be lies anyway. They didn't see the sincerity in your eyes when we discussed us, but that turned out to be complete bullshit.
It was all just a facade, a cardboard cut out of a good guy with a jerk hiding behind ready to tear my heart out and eat it for breakfast.
Was it fun to jerk me around like that? Did you have a big laugh at my expense? I hope it was all worth it. I hope you feel content and satisfied with yourself knowing you intentionally hurt me.
I hope you grow up one day. I hope you realize how shitty you treated me. I hope you stop fucking girls over. You are the definition of a savage fuck boy. You're a heartless ass hat.
Thank you for showing me your true colors, and for being the biggest asshole I've ever met. You played a great game with my heart, bravo.
Thank you for proving to me that you're nothing more than coward who didn't have the decency or balls to treat me with respect or tell me the truth.
Giving you a chance, believing you, trusting you, and putting effort into someone who didn't deserve it or me was one of the biggest mistakes of my life.
But meeting you was a lesson. A lesson learned a little too late for my heart, but I'm glad I saw you for what you really were.
Moving on without you is the best decision I ever made.
I'd wave a final goodbye but I feel like flipping you off is infinitely more appropriate.