Many of you have likely locked down your Halloween plans, planned your award-winning costume, and consumed a fair share of pumpkin spice-flavored everything. Why not make your life exciting by celebrating every day in October?
October 1st- National Homemade Cookies Day. Start the month of the right way, with a batch (or two) of your favorites.
October 2nd- National Name Your Car Day Oh, the choices! Does this mean we have to rename our cars the next time this day comes around?
October 3rd- National Child Health Day Get a flu shot if you haven't already. Protect the health of yourself and others around you; including children.
October 4th- National Taco Day. (Also National Vodka Day). Possibly one of the best days this month, and it just happens to be Taco Tuesday.
October 5th- National Do Something Nice Day Hopefully, you do something nice every day, but it wouldn't hurt to step it up a bit. Buy flowers and give them to someone who looks like they could use some cheering up. Share your cookies from October 1st if there are any left.
October 6th- No Makeup Day USA I'm too lazy to put it on most days, anyways. BTW, you look great with or without it.
October 7th- National Frappe Day Get your fix.
October 8th- American Touch Tag Day. National Motorcycle Ride Day. Grab some friends for a game of touch-tag, or if you're feeling more adventurous, ride that motorcycle.
October 9th- National Moldy Cheese Day Not all holidays need to be celebrated. *Cleans out fridge to make sure there is no sign of moldy cheese.
October 10th- National Kick Butt Day Set a new goal. Make progress on a current goal. Nail that interview. Ace the test. You've got this!
October 11th- National Sausage Pizza Day Celebrate with whatever type of pizza you're into.
October 12th- National Take Your Parents to Lunch Day It would be a sweet surprise for them, or for someone else who is important in your life.
October 13th- National No Bra Day Proceed with caution, but free yourself if you get the chance. Sadly, I work in a highly air-conditioned building and October 13th is a work day.
October 14th- National Dessert Day Pumpkin flavored or not, you've got all the permission you need to indulge.
October 15th- National Grouch Day Nobody can blame you for waking up on the wrong side of the bed today. You're just celebrating the day in all its glory.
October 16th- National Dictionary Day Find a new word and incorporate it into all your conversations today. *Wonders why "funner" still is not a word, but "chillax" and "bromance" are both in some dictionaries.
October 17th- National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day Having an organized, clutter-less desktop is highly satisfying.
October 18th- National No Beard Day No Shave November is coming up.
October 19th- Support Your Local Chamber of Commerce Day Get to know some of the local businesses in your area by going shopping. It might be a stretch on how to celebrate the day, but I think it's a stretch in the right direction.
October 20th- National Get Smart About Credit Day For some reason they don't teach you this stuff in school, but it is wise to educate yourself in order to avoid financial blunders that will haunt you in the future. (Sorry about the mom voice).
October 21st- National Mammography Day Brush up on your facts about breast cancer, including ways to help prevent it. Encourage your aunts, mothers, grandmothers, and all the other lovely women in your life to schedule a mammogram.
October 22nd- National Make a Difference Day Find a one-time or ongoing volunteer opportunity that matches your interests. Go pick up some trash outside. Donate food to the food shelf (Something that tastes good, too. Not the dented can of creamed corn that somehow ended up in your kitchen)
October 23rd- iPod Day I haven't used mine since maybe high school. Listen to your favorite music or discover some new music, with whichever device you listen to music with.
October 24th- National Food Day Eat all the meals. Breakfast. Brunch. Lunch. Dinner. Snack. Supper. Midnight snack. Lupper. Second Breakfast.
October 25th- National Greasy Food Day Might as well put off your healthy eating plans for one more day.
October 26th- National Pumpkin Day Go to a pumpkin patch. Carve some pumpkins. Fill up on pumpkin bars and fresh pumpkin seeds.
October 27th- National American Beer Day Time to head to your favorite brewery or to discover one. There's no beer better than local beer.
October 28th- National Breadstick Day Forget about your carb-ditching efforts for a day, and go all out.
October 29th- National Hermit Day Honestly, it's a great excuse to stay in bed and watch movies.
October 30th- National Candy Corn Day Whether you can eat bags full of this or can only manage to choke down two pieces, celebrate how you wish.
October 31st- National Knock-Knock Jokes Day If you prefer not to celebrate Halloween, tell a knock-knock joke instead…