I Can Tell We're Drifting Apart and It's Killing Me

I never thought that I would be laying in bed beside you and feel so invisible. I never imagined we would be where we are right now. 

But, it seems life has a way of proving us wrong, and you had a way of proving me wrong. 

Our life was perfect, we were happy and every day we laid in bed to talk about the universe and our future. 

Somewhere between the laughs, the long nights together, the play fighting, cuddling together to watch movies it turned into something else. Something I never wanted to experience between us. 

You lost sight of me. The compliments ended. I was no longer your princess or beautiful. I was just an empty hello after you came home from working all day. 

What in the world happened? It was like the flip of a switch and you were gone; distant. 

For the longest time, I really tried to reach you. I spent hours upon hours trying to figure out what I did to deserve the distance I was now receiving. 

My world was crumbling and your silence was the only thing waiting for me when I got home. 

In the end, I guess I should have seen it coming. 

All of the signs were there. The distance, the silence we shared while in the same room for hours at a time, the quiet dinners where the only sound was our forks scraping our plates. 

Somewhere in the midst of a life I thought was nothing less than perfect it all just slipped through my fingers. 

My nights were no longer filled with the comfort of being wrapped in your arms. Instead, my tears welcomed me, which left me cold and shivering in the midnight hours. 

As the distance between us grew, so did my frustration.

You felt as though nothing was wrong. I could bring it up and you would mutter, "I’m not sure what you are talking about because nothing has changed." But, our entire life had changed.

In a matter of seconds, something in you fell out of love with everything about me…  

And as you lost sight of me, I began losing sight of us. 

For more from Hailey Pumroy, like her Facebook page!

Published by

Hales Danii

It never took me long to know I adored writing, I adored sharing my work, I adored having people give me feedback and I never minded criticism. Now, I am hoping to share some of my thoughts as well as maybe share thoughts with so many other people. *******I have seen many people steal some of my photos That i have taken and used on my blogs, I am asking people to please contact me and ask before you use any of them. Thank you so much.******* Twitter handle: Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/haileydanielle1995

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