I Will Always Choose to Love You

Falling in love is one of the easiest things a person can do. They call it falling for a reason! Most of the time, it hits you when you least expect it and before you know it, you are head over heels for the other person. Once you move out of the honeymoon stage, everything changes.

In the beginning it's easy. The goosebumps, heart flutters and giddiness I got were all signs it was real. It's contagious and everyone benefits. People around me started to notice and the happiness wears off on them. Excitement builds in anticipation of each text, call, and visit.

We were both happy and it seemed too good to be true. Then it happens.

The first argument. And it will always happen. For some, it's little, for others it's much bigger. For us, it was a combination. A look of deep reflection had to be done.

Is it something that can be over looked or worked through? Are you worth the extra work? How far did I want this to go? Each person will have to answer these questions for themselves. At this point, the relationship becomes 'hard' and some chose not to continue it.

We decided to keep going. We wanted more of what we had. And if you do make it past the first argument,everything changes. The relationship will never be the same, and that is okay. The relationship evolves as each individual person does. Besides, who wants things to stay the exact same forever?

The relationship becomes stable and comfortable. I could count on your love and support. I could turn to you when I needed help. We started a routine in our lives that included the other person.

It's a bumpy ride when people grow together. The relationship is like an awkward middle school dance.Your partner will step on your toes. It's normal to struggle finding your groove in the relationship. You give and take trying to find the rhythm.

We didn't expect anything less because no two people are alike and no one is perfect. Differing opinions and beliefs is no easy thing to conquer. It might not all ways be fun, but is well worth the ride.

We fought through the struggle because we are in love with each other. It's much more than just loving you.The relationship is a choice that we make every day and will have to continue to make.  It's the act of being in love everyday.

There are days you annoy me. There are times where I don't like you. There are instances where I just need my space. But, I chose to be yours. I chose to work though whatever issues we might be having because I am in love with you. And it will be the choice I make every day.

For more of Jesse's work visit her Facebook page.

Published by

Jesse Nosbaum

Living the 'Good Life' while enjoying wine, food, friends and family! Twitter handle: Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/JesseNosbaum/

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