If there’s anything that I’ve learned in life, it’s that friends come and go. Fake friends will always be around, they will be the ones who talk about you behind your back.
Your real friends however will be by your side defending you. They are the ones who always stand by your side when the world is against you. Your real friends are the ones who support you, who know you inside and out.
When people show their true colors, it’s hard for you to accept that they aren’t the people you think they are. You feel like you never really knew them to begin with, you just felt like you knew them. You feel like you have no idea what was true, and what wasn’t.
It’s tough growing up, because everyone changes, whether it’s look wise, personality wise, everyone falls into their own clique. Some people become jocks, some become artists, others can be considered an outcast.
Bullying is something huge that happens in today’s society. The people you expect to be your friends really aren’t. They put you down because they need to feel better about themselves.
Don’t ever settle for people like that. You are worth so much more than that. The people you hang out with should be a reflection of who you are as a person. You want friends who will appreciate you, in all your flaws, and quirks. You want them to understand you and accept you for who you are.
It’s better to keep your circle small, it’s less drama, it’s more fun, you get to be around people who are genuinely nice, and who truly care. Instead of having a huge group of friends who end up being fake.