It doesn’t matter how much time passes, the empty place in my heart will never fully heal. My chest still feels tight when I think about how much I miss you, the bond we shared can never be replaced.
If Heaven wasn’t so far away, I would hug you so hard and never let go. No one will hug me quite like you used to, with the extra squeeze that made me miss you before you even left the house.
I miss your sense of humor and the twinkle in your eyes when you laughed really hard or had just made a joke that you knew only I would find as funny as you did.
I would stop by for coffee and tell you all about the things you have missed. I hope you would be proud of where I am now.
I would eventually introduce you to my children; they would love you with their whole heart just like I do.
I would get your advice on how to navigate this life, you always knew exactly what to say.
I wish I could breathe in your smell and hear your voice just one more time. I will never forget it.
I’d cry and vent about everything that has happened since you left. You were the best listener.
What I wouldn’t give for one more Christmas with you…It’s hard to comprehend that you won’t be here for all the big things that will happen in my life.
Knowing that there will never be another you makes my heart hurt, you were truly one of a kind. But also knowing that I was lucky enough to have you in my life at all is a blessing that I will never take for granted. The memories we made will last a lifetime.
If Heaven wasn’t so far away, I would tell you one more time how much you mean to me and how much I love you. I would tell you how much I looked up to you and that you still inspire me every day.
You live in my heart now, until we meet again.
“Tell 'em we'd be back in a couple of days
In the rear view mirror we'd all watch him wave
And losing them wouldn't be so hard to take
If heaven wasn't so far away” –Justin Moore
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