If You Feel Like There's A Void In Your Soul You Cannot Fill, Read This

Some of us are constantly seeking for meaning in our lives, always trying to be better and expand our horizons.  Although it's great to constantly strive for better, in the long run, it leaves us feeling empty if what we keep searching for is the one thing that doesn't exist, perfection. Our lives could be extraordinary, yet we still feel a void that cannot be filled. 

It's like we're never content with where we currently are in our lives. We can be rich but that doesn’t make us happy. We could have all the friends in the world, but not find love. It seems like nothing is ever enough. We take the good things for granted and focus on what's "lacking" according to our own perception of what a "perfect" life is supposed to be. Will we ever be truly satisfied? Will we ever stop aiming for perfection? 

It is a trend to fit in and be accepted. Every day we are in search of contentment and meaning. Yet, we look for those things in all the wrong places. Instead of being content with ourselves, we look to superficial things that will make us perfect so we can fit into society.  We spend our days trying to reach unrealistic expectations and comparing ourselves to others. Losing everything that makes us unique. Then we wonder why we can’t find meaning. There is no creation in filling a mold. 

The pressures of society put a hole in our hearts that is hard to repair. If you don’t love yourself, someone else’s love cannot replace that.

The pressures of society shouldn’t change who we are as people. We are all different and beautiful in our own way, and shouldn’t conform to be the same as one another. No one can fix our damage but ourselves. The void can only be filled by us making a change. 

Be mindful of the life you choose to live. Be grateful for all the little things and accept yourself. You were blessed with the people and things around you, why take them for granted? Don’t compare yourself to others, they aren’t you. That’s not your life. 

Be happy with how far you come, you have made it this far. Remember what makes you happy, your passion and your dreams. Stop looking beyond yourself, and letting the outside world bring you down. You are more than enough. Be confident in who you are. 

When you love yourself unconditionally, you don’t have to look for validation elsewhere. The pressure from society can’t get to you. Your happiness won’t be temporary because loving yourself isn’t superficial. 

Life has its ups and downs, but loving yourself through it all fills a void that nothing else can fill. Forget about society tells you to be, you are more than enough. Keep your chin up.

Published by

Laine Sterbenz

Chicago born and raised but Kentucky living Twitter handle: httpstwitter.comLaineSterbenz?lang=en Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/laine.sterbenz

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