If You Feel Like Your Mental Illness Holds You Back from Love, Read This

Those who struggle mentally need love too, and shouldn’t feel like we will die not knowing love.

We've created a community of not allowing people to feel alone because of their mental illnesses. I for one was faced with the elephant in the room. Hell, even Kanye West could tell you a few things about love and mental issues. 

Each of our challenges are just a tad different. Good thing being different has been a steadfast trend for years.

There's nothing easy about putting yourself out there.

Most of the time you want to avoid the conversation.  Fortunately, most people have secrets they are not ready to share. Who feels like they can be like themselves in the beginning? The first couple of dates are usually not the best time for that. 

But in the long run, the more you get to know someone the more they are going to accept every issue and every flaw you have. For whatever their reason, people hold back in the beginning and that’s ok. We’re not alone and we will get there.

Through Sickness and in Health: We May Not Have Said It, But It Was Implied.

Someone who says your issues are too much, doesn’t deserve the love you are ready to give.

‘Oh wait. I have to put effort into this? Pfft. Not this guy.’

When partners commit, they are ready to take on the good days with the bad no matter how cliché that sounds. So your bad days aren’t the same as your neighbor’s. 

Should the physically handicapped let go of love? Those who can’t see, hear, or face atypical challenges should expect loveless lives too? Why should we? Why should anybody?  

Why are we so trained to concede to what we see on social media? Obstacles aren’t boxed into click-bait. If your partner didn’t expect the relationship to have some sort of adversity, again, why are you with them?

Mental illness does not mean you can't be intimate… not being ready does though.

Having a mental illness in itself has an effect on your ability to trust in intimacy including your own, but an inability to submit and be close to someone may be a clue that you may not actually be ready for a relationship and shouldn’t be taken as a failure to find love. 

Everyone has been a situation where they want a relationship but is just wasn’t the right time. It's not always about your assumptions.

Believe me, not everything is about your mental illness.

Just because you are having relationship issues does not mean that it’s automatically related to your condition. At the end of the day, you may just be incompatible with each other. 

Relationships don’t always end because of something awful. Dating doesn’t always end up with marriage so to assume your illness was the deciding factor is like assuming the marriage was only for the sake of the baby. 

Sometimes, it really isn’t meant to be.

Most of us have something hiding in the closet that we may not want to share at the moment. It’s when you still feel like you can’t share after time has passed should you wonder if you are ready for a relationship or if the person is even worth the effort. 

Mental illness is not the end to love. Possibly a new direction.

Published by

Javasia Joseph

Who knew Epilepsy would be my driving force  to get back to what I love. It's like my brain knew what I was destined to be. Twitter handle: @LadyJishere Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/javasia.wiggins

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