
If You Feel like You've Lost Your Spark, Trust That It's Still There

So lately you haven't really felt like yourself. It seems as if no matter how hard you try, all odds are going against you, and no matter what you do all hell breaks loose whenever you try to "fix"  the situation. 

You're telling everyone that you're doing great, things are great. Life is just great.

When in reality…

You have absolutely no idea what is going on with you lately.

You're forcing smiles. You're acting as if you are your typical happy self, but you're hurting, and you're wishing that someone would pick up on it when you force your smile. You feel as if you're just floating around, there really isn't any meaning to your day, you're just there doing what you need to do to get your day done and over with. 

You feel like you've lost your spark for life, and you don't understand why. What did you do to deserve this? You didn't ask for it. You just want to feel like yourself and be happy. Isn't that what all of us really want, to just be happy?  But, sometimes life can get tough. Like really tough, and there are going to be days when you feel like you just can't do it anymore. 

We're human beings, we're constantly changing. Our hair, our clothes, our personalities.  Every day we face an obstacle or an event that shapes up into the person that we are, the person we are going to be. It can be something really significant, but it can also be so minor that we don't even realize it.  

But despite all the changes that we go through throughout our lives, we don't ever really change, do we? We always hear people saying "you still have the same personality/ sense of humor as you did when you were younger!" So even if you haven't like yourself, it will eventually happen, you will go back to being yourself. 

It may take time ( longer than you'd expect). You might need to do some soul-searching. But it will happen.

There may be something that has been bothering you deep down, and you don't (or won't) realize it. Just remember that pain is temporary, and this will pass.  I promise that will. Because life is tough.

But, darling, so are you.