If Your Mind Is Constantly Racing, Read This

Some days you may come off as collective, cool, thoughtful and maybe even put together.

Other days, you seem distracted, tired, worried and you may come off as uninterested.

You constantly worry about how others perceive you, and worry that you are misunderstood.

This worry adds on to the many racing thoughts that already haunt your mind.

You carry the weight of the world on your shoulders and you feel like nobody knows.

Your mind is overloaded with thoughts that you cannot even begin to explain.

It has gotten to the point where you can’t sleep, do work, listen to music, and partake in daily activities.

You are constantly lost in your own thoughts.

You are constantly worrying about everyone and everything.

You worry about you worrying.

It feels like you are slowly going insane.

How do I know this? Because this is exactly how I feel everyday.

Unfortunately I cannot offer encouraging words, and I cannot tell you that it will be okay. Truthfully, I don’t know if it will, I am still trying to figure that out for myself.  However, what I can tell you is that you are not alone, and you should never feel alone.

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I'm just a girl trying to make sense of this crazy world.  Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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