
If You're the Girl Who Makes all the Sacrifices in Her Relationship, Read this

Too many people have had the difficult, long-overdue breakup and if you're like me, it's one that no matter how many times you say "This is it, I'm done" you always end up running back and saying "I'm sorry". When in reality, it wasn't any bit your fault. 

Maybe your breakup made you feel as if you weren't hurt because you "knew" it needed to happen, or maybe you still lay in bed at night clinging to their t-shirt, crying, wondering why. 

Whatever the case may be, just know this:

1. You're more than just a piece of ass.

Even if this guy you love so much doesn't see that the problem in the relationship is him, he doesn't "own" you. You need to let him know that you're there to love and support him in all that he does, and I don't mean sexually or financially. You're there to show him that you care and you support his actions in a sport, a job, or even in the ugly choice of outfits he buys himself. 

When going over to your boyfriend's house always means sex and not much else, then that's not a healthy relationship.

2. You're not his bank account

Take advice from a girl with two jobs who has been financially supporting the "love of her life" for 2 years now. It's not worth you going out and working your ass off to make ends meet. When every penny you make after taxes and bills go to him that's when he becomes dependent on you and what you have to offer him financially is all he cares about. 

You're not his momma and nor are you his bank account. Tell him to find a job.

3. You're better than your past.

You're not defined by your actions when you were in high school anymore. You're not defined by the boys you dated, or even the hookup you may have had on prom night in junior year. When you graduate, you not only lose your friends, but more than half of the time your "rep" is just something your classmates joke about at the 10 year class reunion. 

4. You're your own person

You amount to SO much more than any belittling comment these boys have to say. You need breathing room, you need someone who will support you. You need to find a man who understands the 3 hours it took to get your winged eyeliner just right and tell you you're adorable with or without it. You need someone who will be there for you just as you are there for them and you need someone who believes in you despite your flaws.

5. Don't set your pride aside.

You may love this boy to death, but when you've given and done whatever you could for so long, there comes a stopping point. It's about trust and understanding and in that there come some basics every man has to face..You're not always wrong, You're not always being stupid, You're not always doing the shit they accuse you of. You're an amazing girl with everything in life going for you. 

Drop him like a hot potato and move on about your business.