If You're Waiting For A Saving, Read This

Not all who wander are lost.. But maybe you are right now. 

And that's okay. 

I'm going to take a wild guess you're in the age bracket between 18-25. If I'm right, this is exactly what you need to hear. 

I know you're confused and feeling a little helpless. There are so many reasons you could be feeling this way and let me just start by saying I'm so sorry you feel so helpless, but you are not. 

You are not helpless. 

A few months ago I was just like you. Waiting for someone to save me, waiting for something to change my life. Waiting for a miracle, a saving grace. I spent a lot of time waiting for that something. Wanna know what changed? Here's my secret. 

I woke up one day miserable, per usual, puffy eyed with my body exhausted from anxiety attacks and horrible thought processes. I started to get ready for the day and I looked at myself… Holy shit did I look awful. It wasn't even me. I felt like I was wearing a mask, like I was a walking zombie or something. And then, I decided I didn't want to live my life like this anymore. I am done. 

I'm done letting my thoughts take over. I'm done letting my anxiety get ahold of me. I'm done hating my life and hating myself. I'm done waiting for something to change my life. 

I'll do it. I'll change my life. I can do it on my own. 

I started to take care of myself. I took a personal two week vacation, I traveled to my friends, my family, new places. I started to wear nicer clothes and doing my hair and make up again. I started to wake up early and do things that were productive, I went to bed at a decent time and quit wasting time on self destruction. 

I began to eliminate my negative thoughts and replaced them with self loving statements. I began to look better on the outside, which then made me feel more confident on the inside. I woke up every day and told myself three positive things I like about myself. I began complimenting others and reducing my negative comments. I started to be a better person. 

By changing my life style, I got called to my dream job, which has now became my favorite thing to do. I started to workout which led me to more self security and less negativity. I began working full time and my career has sky-rocketed. I started to feel okay.

I waited for months and months for someone to come save me, for some damn miracle to occur. 

But all I needed to do that whole time, was fix my life by myself, for myself. 

Nobody is going to save you. Nothing is going to happen to change your life until you make the move to improve your inner self. I don't care if you meet your Prince Charming, he won't save you from your mental abuse. 

You were not meant to live miserably and confused. You were not put on this earth to sit around waiting for some unrealistic thing to happen. You aren't here so you can be another time-wasting, self deflecting, negative human being. 

You have a purpose and you have a bright future, but you will never find that until you decide to change what you don't like for you. You may be lost right now, and that is completely okay, but you will never see the light waiting around. 

I thought I needed a superhero, but all along I just needed some damn self love and self motivation. 

Which leads me to this..

You do not need a hero. You do not need saving. You do not need a miracle or some God sent magic. You need your damn self. You can do it on your own. 

I know it's scary, but you CAN do it. Save yourself.

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Just a girl from a small town finding my way through life as happily as possible.  Twitter handle: @MaGGiiE1 Facebook URL:

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