If You're Willing to Walk out of My Life So Easily, Then Boy Bye

For a minute there, I blamed myself…

…but only for a minute.

I mean, I clearly did something to tick you off. Why else would you want to leave?

And then, I got to thinking, it’s really not my loss, is it? If you’re ready to shut the door on us, why should I stop you? Why would I put myself out there when you're obviously not in it for the long haul.

The truth is, I’m willing to work on it. If a relationship is worth having, then compromise is necessary. 

We’re trying to find a place in the other person’s lives that wasn’t there before. Space must be made.

However, if you’re already halfway out the door without so much as a ‘let’s problem solve,’ then why would I fight for you?

I won’t. I don’t need to. If you’re not even remotely convinced that you want me at this juncture, then, by all means, hit the road.

Because I can work on things, figure shit out. I can compromise and say I’m sorry. I can make amends make amends. 

I'll switch up my schedule to make time for you or sacrifice a portion of my time to make you happy. 

But, I can’t change who I am or my true nature, and I’m not going to try and convince you that I am, in fact, the person you want to be with.

Walking away before we’ve even begun, that’s a red flag. A big one as far as I'm concerned. 

I shouldn’t have to feel like I did anything wrong, and truthfully, I haven’t.

I am who I am. I am here, I can try, but that’s all I can promise. I cannot morph into the person you want. If you’ve already figured out that I’m not it, then see you fucking later.

I’m sick of apologizing for being me. I won’t do it, I can't do it. It’s really not worth my time.

Walk away if you want. I’m not going to stop you. My time’s too precious to be fighting for something and someone not worth having.

And if you’re willing to walk away so easily, then I can guarantee you're not something worth having.  

For more of Brit Bandana's writing, follow her on her Facebook page.

Published by

Brit Bandana

Mountain dweller and day-dreamer. Writer, jewelry-maker, and habitual mistake-maker. For more of my writing, check out my Facebook page! If you'd like to see some of my jewelry, please go to my website! Twitter handle: Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/Brittany-Ann-1547058825604701/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel

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