
I'm Not a Bitter Ex, I Just Hope You Both Get the Life You Deserve

I guess the appropriate thing to do would be to tell you, “Congratulations. Best Wishes.” 

You know, all those things you say to people who have made the decision to spend the rest of their lives together. 

But honestly? I don’t care enough to wish you those things. 

It makes no difference to me because the two of you aren’t a part of my life. I’m not even going to be going to the wedding.

Which is perfectly okay, because frankly, I hate weddings, teas, baby showers, they’re all miserable to me. I hate them with a passion. 

So I am actually glad that this is something that I don’t feel obligated to do. 

But instead of saying everyday average clichés, or be the bitter ex who was left for the girl you’re now marrying, I’ll say this instead, I wish you both the life together that you deserve. 

You can take that any way you choose. I never said I meant it as a negative thing, nor did I say I hope it’s all sunshine and lollipops. 

The two of you screwed me over in the beginning of y’all’s relationship, and that karma is on you both. 

You both are accountable for the cheating that was going on behind my back. 

The way he decided to leave me in the end, was wrong and heartless to say the least. That karma is on y’all. All of those things, they fall on y’all. 

My karma comes in how I choose to respond to it. I could be bitter. I could wish terrible things for y’all. Or I could move on. 

And if it’s okay with everyone, I choose to move on. I appreciate the life I have. I love the man I have been blessed with who treats me far better than I deserve.

I don’t want to be bitter and hateful and allow myself to be consumed and upset by things that are frankly, none of my business. Especially not anymore. He stopped being my concern when he became yours, especially openly.

My life is freaking great. Good, the two of you are getting married. You’re marrying the girl that you left me for, and you know what? That’s okay. 

If the two of you are happy together, wonderful. Because I am happy too. And as big of a deal as everyone keeps trying to make about it, like I should be upset? For the life of me, I can’t understand it.

I’m really okay with it. I’ve made my peace with all of that. I figured y’all would get married eventually. Truthfully, that’s awesome. Good for y’all, but I don’t really care- because I’m happier without you. 

I am the happiest I have ever been. And with any luck, y’all will be too. So I wish you the life that you deserve together, and what that means is on y’all.