It’s My Body And My Choice

The truth about abortion is that, it’s my body and you have no right to tell me what to do with it. 

This is ‘Merica. The land of the brave and home of the free. When you tell a woman she can’t have an abortion you’re taking her freedom away. 

It’s murder because it’s a human life. But why is its life more important than hers? If she doesn’t want it why should she be forced to carry it? Why should her life change based on something that can’t even contribute to society for at least another 18 years.

The truth about abortion is that you should be able to voice your opinion, but know that it’s just that, your opinion. It should not be apart of anybody’s law. 

There are other options… Yes, single motherhood and adoption. Both of which are not choices everybody can face. Single motherhood is hard on the body and the mind, and not everybody is financially stable to provide for themselves let alone a child. Adoption is a life long depression. It’s a day burned into your memory, that you can never let go. The foster care system has thousands of children that need homes, I shouldn’t add another one.

Contraception. Well its hard to prevent something that is already happening. And who are you to force me into putting hormones in my body? That’s already an issue, you telling me what I should do with my body.

And my favorite reason, be celibate.  Being celibate is like you showing me all this chocolate cake and telling me I can’t have any, but I really like chocolate cake. And saying if you have unprotected sex and get pregnant that’s your fault is like saying you ate the chocolate cake, which is irresponsible, and now you have diabetes, and you’re on your own. It’s plain rude.

I can say this a thousand times, my body is none of your business, whether you’re my best friend, boyfriend, mother, father, cousin.

A child’s life is precious, I totally agree. But so is my life. So is the life of every woman that gets an abortion. If I’m not ready to let something that needs me for 40 weeks just to have it’s first breath without me, then let me do what I have to do. The world is overpopulated as it is.

The “abortion problem” will stop when everyone starts paying attention to their own body instead of telling other people what they should and shouldn’t do with their body. 

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