You lost yourself somewhere along the way of growing up.
You tried so hard to fit in and belong, to please everyone else, that you lost track of your hopes, your dreams, the person you are.
Your reality became what everyone else wanted you to be.
The person who stayed up at night dreaming of the life you’ve always wanted disappeared. You lost your hope. Maybe you even lost your faith.
You stopped believing in yourself.
One day, it hit you like a freight train. This is your one life to live, and you’re not even living it.
You started to reevaluate everything– the people you associate with, the hobbies you partake in… and you realized it wasn’t what you wanted. It wasn’t even close to the person you imagined yourself being.
And that's really hard.
It’s hard trying to find who you were when she’s been gone for so long.
But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The girl you once knew and the girl you are now can meet in the middle to make the girl you are supposed to be.
It’s never too late to find yourself.
Don’t let anyone hold you back from that.
If there are people in your life dragging you down, trying to prevent you from being the person you want to be, cut them out.
Don’t let others dictate who you truly are.
Always be true to yourself and follow your heart. It will rarely lead you astray.
For more Kat, like her on Facebook.