
It's Okay To Not Have It All Together And Here Are My 3 Reasons Why

You know that girl? The girl who is the living, breathing definition of someone who is type A. She works two jobs, is active in the community, is drop-dead gorgeous, and always seems to have it together.

Oh, I hate her. That’s not me. I’m not that overachieving person who is constantly on the go, never giving myself a single second to do so much as breathe. That’s just not who I am.

I’m not exactly Type B either, I’m the crossbreed. 

I am the girl who is OCD, while it looks like something might crawl out and attack you from her car. I’m the girl who tries to be on top of it, only to fall of whatever I thought it was.

I clearly don’t have “it” together. I have learned that I don’t even have myself together- which is probably why I’m stitched, screwed, nailed, and glued all together.

And you want to know something? That’s really okay and here are my 3 reasons why.

1. Nobody has it all together

Yep. You read that right. Nobody, and I do mean nobody, has it all together.

That girl that you hate because you think she has it altogether, she doesn’t. I only know that because I got to know her and she’s really awesome.

Okay yes. She looks like superwoman compared to me. She works three jobs, has a college degree, and keeps her house insanely clean while having 4 dogs, a cat, and a husband- true story.

You want to know what else she is? Exhausted. She is completely wiped out from working all the time, and keeping house, and taking care of everything and everyone.

She forgets things too. She has list galore, but even they don’t always help. She’ll miss important things because she’s to tired. And she barely sees her friends.

Anyone that you know who looks like they have it all together, with plenty of sleep and friends they actually see- you either aren’t getting the whole picture, they worship Satan, or they’re on drugs. Facts. Sorta.

2. Life doesn’t fit in a box

In the words of Jon Bon Jovi “Map your life out- but do it in pencil.” Have dreams. Have Hopes. Have Ambition. But don’t be so focused on your plan to get there, that you miss the point.

Life has a funny way of ruining dreams and plans. It also has a funny way of making them come true. You have to be willing to be flexible and adjust your approach and sometimes even your dreams.

If you don’t give yourself some grace to overlook past failures, and instead focus in on how life didn’t go accordingly- you’ll make yourself depressed.

It isn’t even always you that messes up your plan. Sometimes life just gets in the way of your dreams; learn to accept that, that is okay. Life is meant to be lived, not checked off at the end.

3. You’d miss out on life if you lived by a list

Some people have every minute of their day planned out for them. Great awesome. You do you babe. But me? I couldn’t stand to live like that.

I can’t imagine having to meet with umpteenth million people and be here by then and there an hour later. I would hate that.

Maybe some people enjoy checking off those little boxes as they live their life planned out minute by minute- me? I would rather be unpredictable.

I would rather live life and be surprised by it. I don’t always want to know what the day holds for me, I’d rather let it unfold and just see. After all not knowing is half the fun.