Know more about Top Expected Trends in Global SEO

Search Engine Optimization is one of the most successful tools used by the Digital Marketing specialists and professionals to help a web site come in top rankings of Search Engine Result Pages. Engaging services of a professional SEO company can help the websites to enjoy increased visitor’s traffic. While making use of SEO solutions, it is important to be mindful of latest trends that are being seen in Global SEO. Some of them are:

Google Witnessing Social Content being Indexed

It is being predicted that in the coming times, social networking posts on the platforms like Twitter, Facebook, etc., is going to witness a marked surge. These contents will have a lot of value and weight with the target audience. Whenever a customer is going to look and search for a news item or a product, Google’s top results will also show the social media profiles of the companies. Thus, a marked shift of this popular search engine towards ranking algorithm is being seen. The dependency on links will reduce and factors like relevant content would become more significant.

Prominence of Video Content

Moving pictures have a high engaging factor. The audiences who watch these videos are able to know more about the product and services as their attention do not waver. Video films have a lot of promotional value and keep the target audience suitably entertained and engaged. It is predicted that in coming times, video films are going to be increasingly used for promotional purposes and going to overtake the written content very soon. Thus, instead of focusing on static content, it is time to work on videos.

Mobile Optimization Will Gain Significance

These days, the number of people using their mobile phones to surf the Internet, and this will make desktop redundant. The modern times will see an increased use of smartphones, tablets, phone watches and more. On top of that, the latest algorithm update from Google also indicates the shift from desktop to mobile phones. Thus, more and more websites are being designed to be mobile-friendly. The responsive web designing is going to be the highlight of these modern times.

Voice Search Function will gain significance

Voice search has seen a remarkable growth these days. The growing popularity of this option is because it is a safer and easy option to use. Now, people will not have time to waste in typing messages and keywords. Many companies like Google, Microsoft and Apple has already come up with their voice-responsive assistants like Google Now, Cortana and Siri.

All these trends are being given a lot of importance by E-commerce service providers. They not only take care of the SEO trends but are also known to offer eCommerce SEO services.

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Sanjay is passionate about writing technical, digital marketing and education related blogs. You can find him on LinkedIn - handle: TechnourceFacebook URL:

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