Laser Hair Removal: The Cons

There are many pros associated with laser hair removal. However, there are some cons associated with it too. Below are a few cons of laser hair removal.

Needless to say there are many alternatives if you don’t want to go down the laser hair removal route. A cream like HairFree permanent hair removal cream is one such option and provides people with a cream that dissolves hair and also reduces new hair growth. This means there is a lot less effort required and less time spent waxing and shaving. It’s FDA approved and is essentially laser hair removal in a tube.

  1. It Doesn’t Permanently Remove Hair- A lot of people think laser hair removal means their hair will be removed for good, but that isn’t the case. The FDA doesn’t approve of the method of permanently getting rid of hair, but it does approve it for permanently reducing hair, which does not mean your hair will be gone forever. The hair can grow back over a period of time. The only procedure that removes hair permanently is electrolysis.
  1. The Side Effects- You should know that there are side effects associated with laser hair removal. Some of these side effects include the skin becoming itchy, red or swollen. The good news is that most of the side effects are mild, but they can become worse if you do not treat them. Some of the more severe side effects include infection and blistering, but these are rare side effects.
  1. Multiple Treatments- You usually need a few sessions before your hair is removed from an area. The length of the sessions may vary, and sometimes it will take 6-8 sessions to remove hair from an area. The good news is that sessions usually are quick, but the time can add up when all of the sessions are combined, and this is especially the case if you have to go for 8 or more sessions.

Laser hair removal is still a great way to remove hair, and it may not give you permanent results, but it does give you long lasting results. Not only that, but many people find that laser hair removal is not that painful and it doesn’t take as long as electrolysis. However, some hair regrowth is expected with laser hair removal, and that is usually not the case with electrolysis.

If you are thinking about receiving laser hair removal, then you should speak with someone who is qualified to do it, and you want to have a full understanding of the benefits and risks involved with the procedure.

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cormac reynolds

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