
Let's Bring Chivalry Back by Teaching Our Little Ones These Things

There seems to be this never-ending argument of chivalry: Is it dead and gone for good, do we need to bring it back, are we happier as women that it has died off? 

Regardless of what the accurate answer is to any of that mumbo-jumbo here’s 5 chivalrous acts you should instill upon your son.

1. Open the door for people, not just your partner

Don’t limit this to his future significant other, obviously women have arms, we can open our own doors, but instill this in your son’s head for anybody. 

It’s just a courteous, thoughtful thing to do as a human, to open the door for people of all ages, sizes, genders, etc.

2. Walk your butt to the door

No, I am not only referring to when he drops off his date at the end of the night, I am referring to any time he must go somewhere. 

Personally, nothing annoys me more than when somebody drives up on the side of the road, not even bothering to get in the drive way, and blares their horn.

3. Be protective, but not possessive 

Again, do not use this only for their future s.o. 

People can defend themselves, there’s no denying that, but if he sees somebody being picked on, being attacked, etc. he should know to help anyway possible.

4. Don’t be afraid to give/receive compliments

Genuine, sincere, non-creepy compliments are annoyingly rare these days. 

Teach your son how to give nice compliments without expecting anything in return, along with that, teach him it’s okay to accept compliments. 

Boys shouldn’t think it’s “stupid”, “gay”, or anything else negative when somebody tries to give them a compliment such as “Wow, you have nice eyes.”

5. Always be respectful and accepting

This can cover so many bases for you, whether it’s language, helping with chores, watching attitude, etc. 

As human beings, we should be respectful of where we are and who we are with. There is a correct time and place for everything.

If I’m being honest, these things should be taught to any child, no matter their gender. These are basic chivalrous acts that any decent person should know and keep alive. 

Women are just as liable for these acts as men are, nobody is above being a decent human.

So maybe, just maybe chivalry is dying but we can actively work to bring it back.

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