Love You Bestie, But Your Relationship Choices Suck

Here's your friend person who you love and care for dearly crying about everything that's wrong and terrible about their partner and the relationship they're in. 

You want to be supportive, so you listen. You try to offer encouraging words or bits of advice. You want to take away all the hurt that fills their heart and fill it with nothing but love and goodness. 

But no matter how supportive you come off as on the surface, there's only one thing you truly want to tell them: Nothing’s gonna change unless you DUMP that idiot loser already!!

There is nothing worse than standing on the sidelines as someone you care about so much loves the wrong person.

Tiffs are going to pop up from time to time in any relationship, no matter how good that relationship is. Everyone will have their differences and sometimes those differences pose a challenge.

And that's fine.

But when your friend reaches out frequently, sobbing over something that a**hole did yet again, it becomes frustrating.

You've asked time and time again, "Why the h*** do you stay with this person if they make you so miserable?! 

And time and time again you hear the same excuses. "Oh, it's not that bad usually." Then why do I hear about this more often than not?

"Every relationship has its problems and we just need to work through this." No, this is not normal! This relationship is toxic sludge and you need to leave now! 

It's okay to need someone to lean on from time to time when it comes to working through relationship issues or just needing someone to listen for a bit. 

But when the need to vent out the negative issues in your relationship becomes frequent, it's time to wake up! When you start making excuses about why these things are happening, it's time to say goodbye. 

For the sake of those who listen to you time and time again, please dump that jerk before someone loses their mind. 

For your sake, get out of that toxic relationship so you can go back to being happy again.

There is not one single person out there who is ever worth being stressed out and unhappy over. 

When the toxic dump starts happening more often than not, when you wish your relationship were different, and when you feel stressed out all the time over your relationship, it's time to say buh-bye!

Published by

Dana Lynn

After traveling and living around the world, Dana has made full circle, landing a career in a place around the corner from her birthplace on the thriving Eastside of Milwaukee. Although a grown-up by day, Dana finds plenty of time to play and do what she loves! Dana is a gym junkie, wine drinker, avid home cook, kitty lover, and sometimes writer. Dana lives with her wonderful fiance and two fur babies, a cat named Madison and a border collie named Rush. Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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