There’s always that one person in every group of friends. They have everyone convinced of their innocence, even though they posses absolutely none.
Everyone thinks they’re so great to be around and everyone continues to make the mistake of trusting them, even though they shouldn’t. They all have their heads shoved so far up your ass that they can’t seem to tell day from night, let alone good from bad.
Yes, I’m talking about you.
I’m the only one that can see through your bullshit. I’m the only one that realizes that ‘perfect’ face that you wear around everyone is merely an awful mask covering up the terrible person that you actually are.
You’ve tried so hard to keep everyone fooled, but it isn’t going to work on me. I see through all the manipulation and lies.
I see how you’re playing everyone, and I refuse to be scooted around your game board.
You don’t want to be around anyone unless you need something. You con people into giving you what you want without them even being able to realize it, because they feel bad for you.
You always have some kind of crisis consuming your life. You always have some reason to cry, and you’re constantly needing rescuing.
You are the definition of drama. You disgust me to no end, and not just with the games you play, but with the person you are.
You go out of your way to make sure that you have everyone pitying you so you can get what you want out of them. It’s sickening.
You don’t have friends. You have people that you pay just enough attention to in order to keep them around for when you need them next. And you always need them again, don’t you?
It’s like you have the power to make everyone around you act as if their eyes are covered with a blindfold.
It’s completely mind blowing to me that no one else has noticed how toxic you are yet. It never ceases to amaze me at how good you are at the games you play. So good, that no one ever catches on.
But, I have. Just know that. Everyone else may choose to ignore it, but I see who you really are.
Misery loves company, and you’re trying to start a fucking club, which I won’t be joining.
While we’ve all been paddling our little boat of friendship along, you’ve been the bitch in the back drilling holes in it so it’ll sink when no one’s watching.
Just know, I saw you.
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