Moments All Clumsy AF People Have Experienced

Clumsiness is not the worst thing in the world, but those of us who are clumsy definitely know it. Here are some moments that the clumsy ones can all relate to and have most likely already experienced.

*Dropping a pencil, picking it up, and dropping it again.

*Running into walls.

*Tripping while going upstairs.

*Accidentally punching yourself in the face while pulling your blankets up.

*Wondering how a bruise appeared on your body.

*Tripping on absolutely nothing.

*Attempting getting out of a car more than once before actually getting out successfully.

*Spilling food on your shirt…and the table…and the floor.

*Wearing shorts under your skirts and dresses because who knows if you'll fall.

*Dropping your phone. Constantly.

*Choking on nothing.

*Thinking, "My last word will probably be 'oops.'"

Clumsiness just makes life more exciting – so laugh at yourself, and be safe out there! 

Published by

Chelsea Walker

Just a Christian girl majoring in Chemistry and minoring in dorkiness who met the love of her life and now wants to tell the world about it all!  Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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