My body is my own.
My body is not for sale to you, the “consumer”,
My body does not come with a buy one night, get one freedeal,
My body does not come with a free 30 day trial to ensurecustomer satisfaction,
My body does not come with customer reviews,
My body does not have a return policy because what you takefrom me I can never get back.
My body is my own.
My body is a temple, and you are the raider,
Breaking in to steal the treasure I hold within,
Hoping to pilfer every ounce of worth from my hallowed halls,
But this body is a fortress and you will not get through,
You will not penetrate my defenses,
You will not be victorious in your attempts to diminish myvalue because
My body is my own.
My body is not your servant,
My body does not aim or work to please your objectifyingeyes,
My body does not wait for your instructions on how toproceed,
My body does not answer to you because
My body is my own.
This body of mine is beautiful,
Every scar, every blemish, every imperfection is nothing butperfection in the eyes of this beholder,
This body does not need to perfect those blemishes, or hidethose scars to be beautiful,
This body is already beautiful.
My body is my own.
My body deserves to be respected for every inch and crevicethat comprises it,
My body deserves to be accepted by a society telling it, itsSize 5 body isn’t as beautiful as a Size 1,
My body deserves justice for everything it’s been through atthe hands of the opinions’ of others.
My body deserves to be loved.
This body is not up for sale, this body is not your servant,
This body is a temple, and the treasure within it ispriceless.
My body is my own.
Deal with it.