I don't think I'll ever find the right words to string together that could accurately describe my love and appreciation for you.
But our relationship isn't about words anyway. We don't have to talk through our feelings or say that we love each other. I find your love for me in the things you do.
You took boring situations and used your inspiring imagination to make sure there was endless fun. You would take us to the park, or down to the lake. You'd make us a fort and have movie nights with us.
You made the most out of what little we had. And to us, it always seemed like you were offering the world. I never felt like I was missing anything because whatever I didn't have, your gracious heart made up for with unconditional love.
You always put your children and your wife before yourself. You never had new shoes or clothes, you never drove the new car, but you always provided those things for your family.
I honestly can't imagine what it was like for you to have to sacrifice so much, to completely put yourself aside. And it amazes me even more so because you did it all with a beaming smile on your face.
You always made sure everyone was happy, fed, and safe before ever once even thinking of yourself.
How did you do that? You're the most selfless person I've ever known, my heart is in complete awe of you.
You didn't grow up having much, you know what it's like to be poor and to be hungry. You spent most of your life working hard jobs, at times, 7 days a week just to ensure that your family never knew the hardships that you knew growing up.
You're a simple man who never needed much… just your family, your faith and maybe a few cold beers. Your simplicity and selflessness have touched me so deeply over the years. You taught me the importance of appreciating the little things in life.
You taught me how to live a modest and humble life. Not through your words but by following your example, I learned kindness, compassion and what it means to love.
You are undoubtedly the greatest man I have ever known. Your strength and resilience is remarkable. You have dared greatly, given selflessly and loved endlessly.
I am more than blessed to be your daughter, and I cherish every moment I spend with you. No one makes me laugh or can dry my tears the way you can.
Thank you for all that you've sacrificed for me and our family over the years, and for all that you continue to do for us. Thank you for always putting everyone first, and taking care of your family no matter what the cost.
You are now and always have been my hero.
I love you, Dad.