You are clothed in more than your skin, you are clothed in character that not many can comprehend. Character that some find intimidating just because they know you are worth more than their mediocrity.
You are shaped in ways others find uncomfortable because they are not able to shape themselves due to the manner in which they mould themselves into society’s greatest gift being the common person we all are meant to effortlessly relate to.
You are misunderstood for either being too soft or too strong and no matter which character you portray there always seems to be someone critiquing your performance as if it’s their show.
You are told to behave a certain way just because others are not familiar with the unique qualities you exude within your natural poise and sense of originality.
You are different
You are one of a kind and I know sometimes it can be threatening to many but trust me, you would not just want to be another pretty face because that is easier to come by.
You have so much more to offer than just a flashing smile and curled eyelashes. You are more than the expression on your face and the articulation in your voice.
You do not deserve to be treated as mediocre by mediocre itself.
Those who make you feel less worthy are a reflection of how they feel about themselves, trust me that is not the company you wish to keep.
You are stimulating to the point where others feel limited and if they feel intimidated then know that they planned on belittling your knowledge by gaining more control over you and you do not need that surrounding your every move.
You have the world at your feet and the wind at your fingertips, you have the air breezing against you.
You are strong and being strong does not necessarily mean you are heartless but courageous enough to know the difference between wasting your time and allowing someone in.
We all know how hard it is to trust those around us, you might think someone is able to give you the world and they end up taking the world from right under you.
You deserve love that is experienced at its peak, filled with nothing less than pure joy and endless soul.
You deserve to be unapologetically you with no explanation because you know that you have the ability to change others in a positive way
You are exceptionally brave because you have faced troubles and you overcame it by being the person that you are today. Those troubles shaped you into the courageous person you face each and every day.
Your life is a reflection of your mind set. You can only be as good as the life you choose to live. Nobody can change that but you. You do not owe anyone anything except the person you genuinely are.
You are who you were meant to be without a filter or a cape because you are the hero of your own story regardless of the page you are turning.
You are rare, there is nobody else like you so why try and replicate what you see when you can be something completely different with no limitation.
Be you because nobody else will and the world will reflect the life you wish to live.
You are unique, rare and everything different that this world needs with a living purpose, rare love is something that will find you once you end up finding yourself.
Do what you can to change the world you live in but do not end up losing yourself while saving others.
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