
Networking places online to connect and find jobs

The wave on Social Media is so incredible that most people rely on Facebook, Twitter, and other similar sites to connect with people, search for content of interest and much more. Thousands of people now use social media sites to list job postings and organize efficient vetting processes for ease recruitment. Apart from using social media sites to network and connect with skilled personnel, other platforms with a more directed focus on connecting managers and employers to job seekers who have got necessary skills they need.

Some of the most efficient platforms for finding job seekers and connecting with potential employees include the following:

  • Facebook: Creating a professional page on Facebook in easy. One can also share this page containing a comprehensive resume detailing work experience and skill set, to big corporations who can access prospects and make contact if they come across a candidate of interest.
  • LinkedIn: This is the social media platform for professionals. LinkedIn provides its users with an online forum that allows skilled and certified professionals in various fields the opportunity to connect with other professionals and exchange ideas and services. Companies also connect with prospective candidates who fit the requirements of any openings available.
  • Twitter: This platform is not really job oriented, but some corporations and individuals still find a way to use Twitter to list job postings and connect with companies who have openings. Twitter is a reliable communication tool on the Internet today, and most corporations and big institutions have accounts which people who follow them can tweet and share information related to their needs or services.
  • Google Plus: just like any other social media networking platform. Google Plus offers its users the opportunity to create a profile according to their discretion. The information provided can be verified and companies in need of employees with a particular skill set on Google Plus, they can search and contact these individuals via the platform, and invite such persons to the next level of the vetting process for whichever position he or she is being considered.
  • Hijob Search: This application is one of the easiest for any mobile device. With the Hijob app, job seekers can quickly find employment from local openings around or help companies looking for your particular skill set to find you. With the applications, smart search engine and user-friendly interface, finding jobs are easier and quicker than ever.
  • Job openings in your area are more than you have an idea of, and Hijob makes it easy to see and connect with any one of them. The app covers openings including, full-time jobs, part-time jobs, and contract jobs. Navigating through the app is easy, and one can view user profiles, initiate chat messaging with other users and even company representatives can efficiently conduct interviews via the platform. The application makes job searching quickly with real-time update alerts and Live chat feature which allows for easy connection and communication with managers and corporate recruiters from your locality. Hijob is available for free on Google play store and the AppStore for mobile devices.

Whichever method you choose to solve your job needs, you will need to understand that presentation is key. There ought to be a touch of professionalism is the way you communicate with job recruiters so as position yourself better for your dream job.