
No Matter How Difficult Life Gets, You'll Always Be My Rock

If anyone has been my biggest fan, it's you. Whenever something happened in my life you were the one who stood by me and supported me through it. My biggest cheerleader, my number one supporter, my rock.

I know there are times when I’m hard to be around, when my depression is at an all-time high and it’d be so much easier for you to just walk away. But you won’t, you never have. 

I don’t know if you realize how much that means to me.  

You’ve held me on the nights I'd be in tears, the nights when I felt worthless and like I wasn't good enough. You kissed my fears away and let me know how much I meant to you. 

Even when I push you away, you refuse to give up on me. 

And when it comes to celebrating, you never cease to surprise me. You’d drag me out of bed and take me out to do my favorite things, even when I wanted nothing to do with celebrating because you knew I deserved it. 

You are so much more than my boyfriend, you are my safe haven. You are there through the stormy weather, when I fight with my family and feel like I'm never going to get better you calm me down and remind me life goes on.

When I struggle with my work you remind me to take a deep breath and that things will be fine and that I have no reason to stress out.

When I have a rough day at work and feel like things will never get better you remind me to keep my head up, and that everything will get better. 

You shine so bright that it makes me feel better just being around you. You do so much for me, but loving me unconditionally is the best thing I could ask for. 

You are honestly the best thing in my life, and I am so in love with you for it.

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