“I have come to realize that there is nothing lovely about having to continuously convince someone to love you.” -S.L.
After sitting here and thinking about everything, all I have left to say is “thank you.”
For awhile I hated myself. I couldn’t help but question everything that I had ever done wrong that would make you leave. This left me broken and unfixable. I would keep asking myself if there was anything I could do to fix us and it kept me lingering.
I didn’t want to wait for you to love me, but that’s all I could do. You left me stranded and I couldn’t get over it. You were a part of my life for so long and I didn’t know how to let go.
Then one day, I woke up. It was sort of like waking up from a dream. I finally was able to see our relationship from the outside. I realized how toxic our relationship really was. It was always one thing after another and we were never entirely happy.
All I could do was hate you. It felt like you ripped my heart out, stomped on it, and set it on fire. It felt like you intentionally wanted to cause me pain and I never expected that to come from you.
But as time has passed and life has moved on, all I can do is thank you. Thank you for not loving me. Thank you for breaking my heart time and time again. Thank you for letting me go. Thank you for not realizing my worth. Thank you for taking all of my love for granted.
Thank you. As I sit here and think of all of the amazing things that have happened since you left, all I can do is smile. I’ve learned so much about myself and I love who I am. I will never hate myself the way you made me. One day, when the right man comes along, I will know what it is like to feel loved and appreciated no matter what.
I will never hate you. I will forever be thankful for the relationship we had and the things I learned. Now it’s time for me to let go.
The girl you let go.