Self-harm is not a way to cope with feelings. If you are someone or know someone that might, please seek help.
No one understands what it's like to be a cutter. Some people think it is for attention and some think it is just a mental problem. It really is just a mental problem. Sometimes with the pain in life, whatever the situation is, the physical pain eases the emotional pain.
Of course, a person that has never experienced cutting will not understand. You don't just wake up one day and decide to do it. It is something that gradually builds up in you over time.
When someone does self-harm, it becomes like an addiction. Just like how people would result to drugs, self-harm can be just as dangerous. You start to think of other ways to hurt yourself. Cutting deeper, using different objects or even burn yourself.
You don't really get enjoyment out of it, but it does give you a release. It is all mental because when your mind sees and feels the physical pain, your mind goes cloudy and you are not stressing about whatever issue was on your mind. And when you become addicted it starts to be a lifestyle.
It is something you do every day.
It is a sad way to live. Because you feel like you have no one in the world and your only way is a temporary fix to hurt yourself. Sometimes the pain in life is unbearable.
But overcoming that demon is the most remarkable feeling. Some scars heal and go away but some stay with you for life. It is a reminder of how strong you really are.
That you were in your deepest darkest moments in life and you overcame them. It is not something to brag about, and most people don't even like to talk about it because they are embarrassed.
But it is not something to be embarrassed by.
It is not healthy either, but we are all human and are not mentally or emotionally prepared to deal with life's challenges. But if you can stay strong and get through it, you come out even stronger.
As negative as life can get, there is always a positive to everything.