I love porn, well not love it, that’s over selling it. But porn is a good thing. No, really, science backs me up on this. According to some research, guys who watch porn more often are less likely to sexually assault women. They’re less likely to be aggressive towards women. People who watch porn, mostly men, are less likely to cheat. I mean who wants any of those things to happen? Nobody. Well, nobody sane at least. And if there is a way to help decrease the likelihood, then lets get with it. I will gladly provide you my premium pornhub membership if you are gonna be less likely to cheat on me or attack me. Shit, I’ll join you in watching porn. Don’t judge me. Join me.
So, ladies, let your men watch porn if you don’t want to get cheated on. Hey maybe even join them in watching it. It’s never to late to spice things up and learn new techniques. It’s not like they’re cheating on you. And masturbation is healthy af. If you or your partner aren’t giving it up daily, and don’t pretend like you don’t want it daily, turn the lights off (or keep them on if you’re into that), turn on your wifi, and get to rubbing.
Also porn addiction… Its not a thing. Its a cum-polsion. Get it? Sometimes I’m really punny. 🙂
But really. If you think you’re addicted, you’re not. And the more you continue to think you’re addicted, the more damage it’ll cause to relationships (not just sexual, but between family and friend) and yourself. I know it sounds crazy. But according to a psychologist who is really into the subject, like way more obsessed than anything I have ever been obsessed with, has done years of research on this with multiple studies across different cultures. His name is Joshua Grubbs, look him up.
But before I get off subject, lets continue.. Basically if you continuously call your self a porn addict it determines the way you look at yourself; you become depressed, develop anxiety, get uncontrable anger, and other psychological issues. In turn these damage your entire life.
So watch porn. Masturbate. Stay happy. Do it. You won’t regret it.
And STOP feeling guilty or guilt tripping others. EVERYBODY MASTURBATES. Porn is there for people to enjoy. And everything can be turned into a porno. So whatever tickles your fancy, somebody somewhere thought of it. Trust me.