
Questions You Need to Ask Yourself If You've Been Cheated On

Cheating. Cheating is a touchy subject and it seems there is never a good answer or response to this. 

So, should you stay or should you get the hell out of Dodge? 

Well I can’t answer that for you and honestly, nobody except you can answer that but maybe this can help the decision making.

First, ask yourself why did it happen? Is the relationship dead between you and your significant other or just going through a rough time? 

Are you still there simply because of the apologies and empty promises of things being better?

When trying to decide, think about a few things: do you have a sense of desire for them that is fully returned and goes beyond a purely lusting type of desire?  

Are you still there because of some weird view of pride or selfishness?

We’ve all been there, you wonder if the break up is worth the pitiful looks you’ll get from people, the countless, annoying speeches you’ll have to sit through. 

Nobody wants to suffer through that but it’s not a strong enough reason to hold together your relationship.

Is it a self-esteem thing you have going? Are you with the person because you feel you can’t do better? 

Maybe you feel scared, as though you can do better and they’re holding you back. Are you too afraid to be alone and single?

Hm, I wonder what people will say about that single yet happy, glowing person next to them compared to the taken yet miserable crying person across the hall. 

Doesn’t make sense to keep that as your reasoning now does it?

The person you’re with, do they give you butterflies or do they give you the whole damn flu? Do they make you feel anything special at all? 

You deserve that feeling you got back in kindergarten when you got to be line leader or captain of the team in gym class. Special, important, needed

Don’t let anybody or any amount of time with somebody take that from you.

You should hear “symphonies?? in your head, as Jason Derulo has described to us before when you see this person. 

If there are not symphonies, what is there? Be with somebody you look forward to seeing, that you want to spend time with, truly deeply feel the need to be with them or talk to them. 

Not somebody to waste your time with or feel obligated to be with.

If you stay in the relationship can you promise yourself that cheating will never happen again? 

It’s easy to say it won’t but there’s a difference between saying something and meaning it or saying something to convince yourself. 

Do you really want to be with this person? I mean, if cheating can happen, something went wrong somewhere down the line.  

Maybe you don’t have a decision yet after all this could be your one-month relationship or your ten-year relationship we’re talking about. 

It’s a big decision, but it was also a decision that was made when the “innocent flirting?? happened and when the “it’ll never go that far?? was thrown out the window.

So, who are you anyways? Are you the one who was cheated on or are you the cheater? 

Who was in your head while reading this? 

It’s easy to think cheating is one sided, but it isn’t. You both are affected and now you both get to decide if you’re best together or if there’s somebody else better out there.

Decide. Is it worth staying or…do you get the hell out of dodge finally?