
Read This When You Just Feel Like Running Away

You feel like running away, running away from anything and everything.

You want to run, run as far as your legs can take you.

You want to hop in a car and drive, drive until you can't drive any farther.

You want to get in a plane and fly, fly over the ocean and far far away.

You can't imagine staying in this place for one more day, one more minute, one second longer; it's just too hard, too painful to stay.

But you've got to try.

Go in your room, shut the door, close the blinds, shut this scary, scary, world out of your mind.

Cry if you need to cry, sleep if you need to sleep.

Binge watch your favorite show, write entry after entry in your journal, read a book.

Do whatever you need to do to help cope with this overwhelming, all-consuming feeling.

Just don't run away…please don't run away.

Once you feel a little better, a little stronger, a little more like the freaking amazing person you are, open that door and let the world back in.

Hold your head high and look whatever this day brings straight in the eye.

Make it cower away, show it that you aren't scared in the slightest.

Tell it that it can throw whatever it wants at you and you will not back down, you will not break…because you are strong, so very strong.

Because you are stronger than this world thinks.

Because you are stronger than you think.