Don’t worry. It won’t be long, you’ll hit the bottom and bounce right up again. It’s not your fault you’re falling, you didn’t ask for this. Remember that.
I know you are hurting- no girl deserves to be treated the way he treated you.
I promise, you’ll stop falling and your world will calm down.
Stop looking for the apology that isn’t going to come. Stop feeling as if you could have done more.
I’m sure you’ve done all you could. I’m positive you fought hard.
Stop blaming yourself.
It will get easier. Those tears will stop flowing. The memories will stop replaying.
Someone one day will come to you and love you like you deserved to be loved; faults and all.
I know you want it to be him, but right now it can’t and don’t hold out hope that it will be.
Don’t disappoint yourself.
Live for you! Travel, finish school, apply for that job you didn’t think you could get, save up for the house you want. It’s time for you.
You’ve given too much to someone else and not enough to yourself.
I promise you will stop falling, maybe not today or tomorrow but one day. Don't rush it, you deserve to grieve. But you also deserve to be happy.
To the girl who is falling– Breath
One day you’ll wake up and he’ll be a memory, he’s the one that missed out; not you.