
Rules your waitress wished you knew…

I’ve worked in the food industry for about five years now and I love it and hate it all at the same time. I love people, so I have a lot of fun as a server, but I also hate assholes. There is the problem because it seems as though assholes like to go out to eat and maybe they don’t realize that they are being rude. So here is a list of rules for when you go out. 

1. Whistling at me is not the way to get good service 

If you have ever done this, slap yourself right now. I think I speak for every person in the service industry when I say that this is one of the rudest things you can do. This is also accompanied with shaking your empty glass at me, yelling, or snapping your fingers at me. I once had a gentleman call me over to him and his party of friends. He was a bit older and I came over with a smile on my face, attempting to be friendly. 

“Are you the waitress here?” He asked gruffly. 

“I’m A waitress,” I responded with a bit of sass in my tone. 

“Well, I need six glasses of water, a coffee, and two cokes.” 

“Okay, I will be right back with that and your server,” and with that, I turned and walked towards the kitchen. I was almost there when I heard someone whistle from across the restaurant. I turned to see the gentleman I had just talked to, snapping his fingers at me. I could feel my blood pressure rising, but I walked back to him and asked what he needed through clenched teeth. 

He added another coffee to his order and I booked it into the kitchen. I found his server and gave her the order. I told her that if I were to go back there I just might slap the shit out of him. 

If you are rude at a restaurant, I can assure you that every server, bartender, cook, hostess, and busser knows that you are rude. That’s why servers keep looking at you, they know you’re an asshole. 

2. Threatening to take my tip away does not ensure better service. 

Listen. Every server knows that you are the one tipping. There is no doubt that you are the paying customer and should receive good service. Believe it or not, servers do want to have fun with their guests and give a good experience. We’re usually extroverts, so we like people, but no one likes to be reminded that if they don’t do well, they’re not getting paid. Servers also tend to be a bit passive aggressive. Therefore, when you threaten to take away my tip, I assume that you’ll end up being a bad tipper no matter what. My other tables are being fun and enjoying my company, so they’ll get the better service and you will not. 

3. Your jokes are not funny. 

Occasionally, someone will tell a joke that’s a little funny, but, usually, your jokes aren’t funny. This grin I’m wearing is fake. It’s nice that you are trying to be funny, but I’m laughing because you’re tipping me. End of story. 

4. Interrupting is NEVER polite. 

If you interrupt me while I am at another table, you are lucky I don’t throat punch you then and there. Did your mother never teach you manners?! Interrupting was rude when you were a child, it’s rude at the workplace, it’s rude at home, and IT’S RUDE AT A RESTAURANT. 

I am trying to serve other customers. I know you think you are the only person on the planet, but if you can wait patiently for me to get an order from your neighbor, I will get back to you as soon as I can. Good grief! When did people become so selfish? If you can’t see that the restaurant is packed and I am running around trying to please everyone, then head over to the local optometrist and get your eyes checked!  

5. Be patient. 

When I am delivering your food and I have a full tray and I’m halfway through getting the food on the table, don’t ask where your toast is. I haven’t finished putting everything down… just wait! Once I have an empty tray, you may proceed with politely asking where your toast or extra ranch is and I will be happy to get that for you. 

6. Threatening to go to Burger King isn’t a real threat. 

Go! I’ll even give you directions. Can I hold the door open for you? Telling me that you could get the same thing at Burger King for cheaper doesn’t change anything. I have no control over the cost of food. I know, shocker! If you can get the same thing at Burger King, then go there! No one is forcing you to stay and eat. If you’d rather pay Burger King prices, I know you’re cheap and my tip is probably going to be 10%. 

7. Speaking of tipping… 

It is common courtesy to tip 20% unless the service was incredibly terrible. If the service was amazing, tip 25% or more. Servers are living off of their tips. Going out to eat and not having enough for a tip is just rude. You should account for the tip before you get there and when you’re deciding what to eat. Don’t be that guy who leaves $1.07 on a $30.00 bill. It’s rude. It’s just rude. 

To all the amazing customers out there, thank you! Servers recognize the incredibly nice guests. We love serving you and would gladly get you whatever you need. Have fun with us. Smile. Have conversations with us, we want to make you happy and give you a good experience. We will usually ask you to come back if we really liked you. Take that as a compliment, it means we loved having you and want you to come back and see us. You are the people that make our jobs fun. Thank you!