Screw the Gifts This Christmas, All I Want is You

What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come  from a store. What if Christmas…perhaps…means a little bit more!???- How the Grinch Stole Christmas 

The Grinch definitely has the right idea on this one. I think we easily get wrapped up in the excitement of shopping and the holiday spirit that we forget that perhaps Christmas is so much more than just the tangible items that we receive.

I think it took meeting you for me to realize that the people in our lives are more important than the gifts we receive. I know that I am the luckiest girl in the world because I will be getting everything that I want for Christmas and so much more.

Once you get older Christmas becomes more than how many gifts you receive but the gifts you give to others and the people that you share those moments with.

Everyone has continuously asked me what I want for Christmas and when I tell them I have to think about it because I don’t know what I want that isn’t always the case. It’s just that they can’t give me what I want for Christmas because I already have it.

I get you for Christmas and that is the best gift ever. The best part is that after the shininess of the holiday wears off and items are put away my gift keeps on giving.

Many people feel lucky but I’m not quite sure that is the word that I am looking for. You find that one person in your life that makes everything else make sense. In a world full of hustle and bustle and the need to always be one step ahead, you’re the one I want to pause everything with.

Some people wander holiday after holiday looking for that special person to fill the void inside of them. You look for that person that allows you to be exactly who you are and would never imagine changing you.

For me that person is you and you are probably the bravest man out there. I can be loud and obnoxious and can overthink things, sometimes more than most normal girls do but I also love with all my heart and all that love is directed towards you.

Life isn’t perfect, but the one we’re creating is pretty great to me.

So when I open my eyes on Christmas I’m not going to rush to the tree. I’m not going to start wondering what is under the wrapping paper and if I’m going to have to return anything. I’m not going to jump out of bed to make coffee or turn on the Christmas music.

Instead I’m going to roll over and see the best gift any girl could ask for. A man who not only makes me feel beautiful when I feel like I look like I was hit by a bus but the man who makes me want to be a better person. The man who has shown me more love than I think I deserve at times.

I’m going to wrap my arms around the best Christmas gift ever and it doesn’t even have a bow on it. You’ll probably still be a little groggy and sleepy but you’ll be so darn cute and I won’t even need mistletoe to get my Christmas kiss.

So here’s too many more Christmases of waking up next to my best friend.

Mariah Carey says it best,

“Baby, all I want for Christmas is  you.???

To see more of Audi’s work check out her facebook page.

Published by

Audi Anderson

Audi is a 27 year old graduate, from the University of Iowa with a Bachelors Degree in English who one day aspires to attend law school. I am an avid lover of football, baseball, soccer, horror movies, selfies and napping. At a young age I loved reading and writing stories and connecting with people and from that sparked my endless rambling on about anything I can talk to others about. Writing is a huge passion of mine, it can bring so many different cultures and backgrounds together. If my writing reaches out to just one person and makes them feel better about themselves or the situation they are going through then it's worth every moment of vulnerability and putting yourself out there. Everyone struggles whether they vocalize it or internalize and sometimes you just need someone to relate to, or better yet someone to tell you that it's okay and things have to always get better. So just think of me as that friend who always has an open ear and attempts to help you make sense of it all. Think of me as the person who will constantly remind you of your worth Twitter handle: audifaceia Facebook URL:

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