She can be a lot to handle. She talks too loud, too fast, and usually too much. She tells extremely long-winded stories and ends up distracting herself.
And she laughs so hard at her own jokes that nobody else even understands what she’s saying.
She can be messy and emotional and sassy and stubborn as a mule.
She runs on caffeine and sometimes stretches herself way too thin, while other times she’s lazier than life calls her to be.
She’s overly organized and an extreme perfectionist. She’s hard on herself and often on those she cares about, and she sometimes (most times) is too tired to throw on anything besides leggings and toss her hair in a bun.
She’s not always cute. She’s not always funny. She’s not always picture perfect and she’s never going to be.
But she’s also talented and smart and witty and sarcastic and she'll make you laugh at her own stupidity even on her worst day.
She’s loyal to a fault and she’s a damn good friend. She’s reliable and compassionate and she’s got the biggest heart of anyone you'll ever meet.
She’s strong and independent and she knows how to dust herself off and yank herself up by the bootstraps even when most people would understand if she just gave up.
She gets creative when life roughs her up and she tries her hardest at everything she does.
And there is no one else out there like her.
So, no, maybe her pictures don't get as many 'likes' as someone else’s, and maybe her laugh is a little too loud. Maybe she’s not the most graceful or the most popular, and maybe she’s not everyone's cup of tea.
But she’s always, definitely worth the trouble.
For more from rc, visit her writer's page here.