
She's Not Afraid of Commitment, She's Terrified of Being Let Down Again

Everyone who has ever meant something to her in her life has abandoned her in some form or another.

She isn’t afraid of settling down, she’s afraid of settling with the wrong person. She isn’t afraid of forever, she’s afraid of being left alone.

She longs to be needed, wanted, and loved…but all she’s known is abandonment, hurt, and disappointment.

She doesn’t know how to trust because every single one person so far has betrayed the faith she had in them.

She wants to believe you are in it for the long haul, but she’s just been proven wrong so many times she doesn’t know how to believe in love anymore.

It’s not that she doesn’t want to be in a relationship, she’s just so tired of being let down.

She has lived her life constantly opening up to someone who always just turn around and leaves. It always ends up being like they were never there in the first place. 

Somehow, she always ends up being “all alone, again.

Somewhere along the way, she shut part of herself down. 

She just turned off the part of her that feels, she shut down her very own heart. She decided she wouldn’t let anyone else hurt her anymore. 

If you don’t believe in them, if you expect nothing from them, they can’t let you down, right? She started living by this mantra, but life quickly became so vastly empty, and loneliness crept into every corner of her soul.

She thought that if she didn’t feel, she could never get hurt.

But soon enough she began to realize that it also meant she would never have a chance at finding real love.

There was a part of her heart that is constantly searching…searching for someone who will prove her wrong, someone who will stay and be there for her.

So she started to slowly but surely, open up her heart again. 

She met you, and he brought that real, genuine smile back to her face…the one that had disappeared for so long. You showed her what caring means, and that someone could hold her heart with tender care. 

When the road started to get a little bit bumpy, you held her tight and you stayed. Little by little, she’s starting to think that maybe her heart is safe with you…she’s starting to get a feeling she never thought she’d find again.

She’s falling for you.

And she wants to love you with her whole heart — she’s going to. Just be patient with her.

For more Kat, like her on Facebook.