
"Skinny Shaming" is so real.

Before I even start this article I want to first off state that I’m perfectly aware of fat shaming and how it is in no way shape or form right. I hate when people insult girls with curves. So don’t in any way take this article as me bashing you. 

But the problem with skinny shaming is that no one accepts that it’s a thing. People see it as a compliment to tell me that I need to eat more. They think it’s okay to say that I’m “skin and bones”. 

A week ago I was in the hospital due to extremely low blood sugars. And my doctors response was, why aren’t you eating? When I responded with I eat all the time and proceeded to say exactly what I had that day he said okay but how much of it did you actually eat. You cant starve yourself and expect not to pass out. 

Its not just doctors, it’s everyone. It’s the people that say hun, you might need someone a little bit bigger to pick that up for you I don’t want you to hurt yourself your just so tiny. It’s belittling. 

What makes it worse is people think it’s okay. To skinny shame but not fat shame. People preach about fat shaming and they should. No one should be put down for how much they weigh. But the fact that it’s “okay” for you to say I need to eat acouple of cheeseburgers but it’s not okay for me to say maybe you need to go for a run is awful. 

Skinny shaming is looked over because people a lot of the times see the things they say as compliments to the people they’re saying them about or to. But it’s not. It’s just as hurtful. 

Trust me, if I could gain enough weight to have curves I would so love that. Society tells me that no one wants a girl with no curves. If I could gain weight by eating a cheeseburger I’d eat 50 a day. But it doesn’t work like that. 

What really sucks about this is, some people are going to take this as me bragging about being skinny. And it’s not that at all. It’s that fact that I think everyone is beautiful and I hate that skinny shaming isn’t seen and being just as bad as fat shaming. 

Always remember you are beautiful no matter what color, size, or age. You are unique and you can not let people or there words bring you down. You are special and you are beautiful never forget.