Sorry, I Value My Self-Worth More Than A One Night Stand

This hook up culture, I am not about it. Our generation has become so obsessed with quick and easy relationships, that they have forgotten what love is really about. I may be old school, but I don’t want this temporary bullshit that this generation has become accustom to. I want something that I have to work for that lasts. Not a short term lust.

I am over all the minds games people play. All the lies and dishonesty. People are so shallow these days, the way they make you feel amazing one night but broken the next day. I am done dealing with the people that are only after one thing. I want to experience life with someone not just a one night stand.

I am done only being paid attention to when its convenient and ignored then ignored the next moment. I have more confidence in myself then to sacrifice my self-worth to someone who doesn’t value me. I would rather be alone than be degraded.

It is time I raise my standards, and put my guard up. Because if that is the type of love this generation wants, I will stay single. I want to fall in love but I will wait for the one who breaks this generation’s stereotype and wants a love that lasts. Someone who wants to be with me all the time, not just when it is convenient. That will want to sleep with me Saturday night and wake up with me Sunday morning.

I am done taking a chance on love and losing myself in the process because it ends up in heart break. I have wasted so much time on people who didn’t want relationships. I am done wasting time on people who are uncertain of what they want in the future. I am set on finding a love that last so if you don’t know what you want, take a step back. I won’t give my heart to another person who later tells me he doesn’t want anything serious.

It gets so lonely getting trapped in relationships with someone who treats you less than you deserve. I know my worth, and I am not willing to risk it anymore. If you can’t treat me the way I deserve, I will walk away and find better. It is a waste of time to play games that only end in heart break.

I want to fall in love with someone who will stay by my side for a lifetime. Someone who will stay even when I am hard to love and things get rough. They will be my strength when I feel weak and my light when things get dark. He will encourage me to follow my dreams instead of tearing me down.

I don’t need a man to validate me. I know my worth and I know I am worth more than a one night stand. I deserve more than a man that wants me one night but is gone the next. I am raising my standards, because this generation has standards that are too low.

This hook up culture isn’t for me. So I will wait for the man that matches my high standards. My self-worth is more important than a one night stand. I know my value, and a temporary love isn’t in the cards for me.

Published by

Laine Sterbenz

Chicago born and raised but Kentucky living Twitter handle: httpstwitter.comLaineSterbenz?lang=en Facebook URL:

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