We tend to blame society for racism, body shaming, who you love, what you look like, and everything in between. Most people say, “it’s because of this generation” but maybe it’s not that, maybe it’s the actions of other people.
Why are we teaching young girls that if they want to feel beautiful they can’t leave the house without makeup and they must weigh a certain amount? Why is it when you see a young black male walking the streets you think he’s out to steal something, when he could be walking home from school because he doesn’t have a ride. Why is it when you see someone overweight in the gym next to you working out, you still judge them yet society tells us they need to be losing weight and when they try they get judged. Why is it you judge that 18-year-old girl that gets pregnant but still graduates, earns a degree, becomes a single mom, and works a full-time job. Many are disgusted at women breast-feeding their baby in public but have no problem with half naked women modeling on their Instagram feed. Why are we so caught up in everyone else’s lives when we forget who we really are? Be kind, love others, help others, encourage others, be happy for the good in each others lives.
Everyone claims they “hate society” and we continue to blame society but we are society. When you see someone making fun of someone else, stand up for that person don’t tag along. If you see that overweight person in the gym, encourage them and give them credit for their hard work. Everyone in this world is so caught up in the way people look or how they express themselves when they should be focusing on true happiness.
Happiness is the one thing we have to make the world a better place. People are never satisfied. So, stop trying to satisfy them. Go out do what you love, love who you love, and love what you do. Be your own happiness. If it makes you genuinely happy, that is something no one will be able to take from you. The world is yours. This is your life and you only have one shot at it. Stop blaming society and be a part of the change.