Ten Things To Know Before Dating the Girl Who Drinks Beer

She’s always down. No matter what she’s going to have a good time.

But don’t confuse her for a girl who’s just a friend before you get to know her. Give it some time and before you know it, you’ll fall for her.

And there are some things that might surprise you.

1. She knows what she wants and she not afraid to say it. But she always know how to pick her fights.

2. She’s not girly. But that doesn’t mean that she wants to think of her as one of the guys. She has a feminine side.

3. She’s the sexiest girl you’ll ever meet.

4. She won’t ever try too hard.

5. She doesn’t beg for attention. She just gets it all the time.

6. She’s never shy. If she wants to get to know you she’ll make a point to let you know.

7. She’s never been petty.

8. She doesn’t believe in drama. If she’s not feeling a situation, she’ll walk away.

9. She knows her worth.

10. She wants to be your best friend and then your girlfriend not the other way around.

Just because she’s not the hottest girl at the party doesn’t mean that there isn’t something about her that you are drawn too. That everyone is drawn too.

Because she knows what she wants and she knows how to get it.

But she’s also down for doing nothing. She’ll never make you feel like you need to do something else or be someone else.

She doesn’t believe in playing games because her life is one big adventure.

And the most important thing to know before dating a girl who loves a good beer is that she enjoys the simple things in life.

So the next time that you think that she’s playing you, talking about every little things you’ve done wrong, think again.

Because more likely than not she’s having as much fun as you are.



Published by

Josie Griffith

 Josie is a writer, blogger and server living in Baltimore, MD.  Twitter handle: @josiekime Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/josie.griffith.1

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