So you gave the cute guy your number and now you've entered the delicate phase of flirty text banter. You know you have to get these texts just right so that they don't come across wrong and the struggle is real…
1. Is he actually into me or is he just being polite?
Was that smiley face supposed to be flirty or is he just a nice guy? Nah, if it was flirty he would have put a winky face.
Or maybe it was flirty and he's just trying to be a gentleman. Ugh, the world may never know.
2. Did that sound flirty or obnoxious?
Without the element of eye contact, sassy texts come dangerously close to crossing the "bitchy" line.
Did he get that joke? Was that too close to attacking the fragile male ego, or just the right amount of give-and-take?
3. Why hasn't he texted me back?
It's been six hours. Nobody is so busy that they don't check their phone all day! Time to go back and over analyze everything that's been said and figure out what drove him away already.
4. Somebody help me.
SOS. This isn't cute anymore. Nobody is this witty all the time and I'm exhausted.
5. Um, are you ever going to actually ask me out?
All this texting is fine, but isn't it time to, you know, see each other face-to-face? Maybe actually get to know each other a little?
We've reached the crossroads here, buddy. It's been cool, but it's time to make your move or ship out.
For more from rc, visit her writer's page here.