The 5 Things Parents Will NEVER Admit

Being a parent is one of the mostrewarding positions that one can attain. Being able to nurture andshape another human being is a great deal of responsibility.Although, we can quickly become biased by the adorable little ones,parenting isn’t all cupcakes and rainbows. There will be times ofpure bliss, and there will also be chaos and uproar. Here are the 5Things Parents Will NEVER Admit.

1.)It Can Be Overwhelming..

Being a parent 24/7 is a JOB. Youconstantly have to be on your toes to lead by example for the littleeyes that are watching you. Most days, the most popular word for achild is, “mom” or “dad”. If you are trying to accomplishyour own tasks, you will be interrupted, stopped, and sidetracked.Children are one of the greatest gifts, but at times you can feelengulfed in their world.

2.)We Love Cartoons…

Visit the home of a family with smallchildren and I’d bet my savings account that you will find animatedtelevision being viewed. Most of the time, the kids will ask forthese shows to be put on, but mid-way through an episode of TeenTitans, you will definitely find the parent(s) fixated on thetelevision. Now, this is not to say that after the 93rdviewing of Frozen, mom/dad will still be entertained. But if we’regoing to see the latest Disney creation, you better believe we arejust as excited as the mini-humans.

3.)We Want To Be Your BestFriend, But We Can’t Be…

As much as children hate to bedisciplined, it’s crucial for the development of future productivemembers of society. It never brings parents pleasure to disciplinetheir children, but we have to. In a perfect world, our kids wouldcome out of the womb with knowledge and implementation of politeness,discipline, and effective listening skills: But because that is notthe case, we have to be parents first and foremost. So when you heara four letter word in a tiny little voice, as much as you want tolaugh, you have to put on your serious face and address the issue.

4.)Sometimes, We Just Need To GetAway..

We love watching you grow andaccomplish the milestones in your life, but with a full-time job,chores, and a few little ones, sometimes parents just need to getaway. Now this doesn’t mean we’re going to drop you off at the firestation and trade in the mini-van for a Bugatti, but sometimes wehave to make that phone call to grandma. Grandparents are very vitalin the mental health of parents and children. When they take the kidsfor the night or the weekend, that provides alleviation for theparents and bonding time for the children. It allows the parents tocatch up on tasks, spend quality alone time together, and torejuvenate.

5.)Our Parents Were Right….

There were so many times that I naivelydisregarded my mother’s statement of, “Wait until you have childrenof your own, you’ll understand then.”. As children we just assumedthat our parents weren’t able to understand our point of views orthey were out of touch with reality. When you have your own kids, youdeal with the same frustrations that you once put your parentsthrough. You understand the reasoning for discipline and boundaries.You realize all along they were trying to prepare you to be the bestversion of yourself and everything that they did, they did for you.You feel remorseful for the arguments, the solitude, and the teenageattitude because now you are in their shoes and you feel everyemotion that they once felt.

As parents, we want the best for ourchildren in every aspect of their lives. Even when it getsfrustrating, every single moment is special. While we are shaping ourchildren, they are in turn helping us to grow in ways that we didn’trealize were possible. Children are a blessing and we appreciate thelaughs,  the memories, and the lessons that we share everyday.

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Teejay johnson

I'm Teejay Johnson and I live on the beautiful Western Slope of Colorado. I am blessed to have a beautiful wife and children. Twitter handle: www.twitter.comBasicallyTeejay Facebook URL:

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