Let’s face it. Who doesn’t want money? We all need it to survive, to feel a sense of security, and gain financial independence. But even though it is a necessity in life, you may find that money does not come easily to you.
The reason for this is not any external force, but you yourself. When you have a mind-block against money, called abundance blockage, the first thing you should know is that stressing won’t help. The secret is to practice the art of allowing.
Why stressing won’t help
It is easy to stress over money, especially when you are not receiving as much as you need or want. But stressing is an unnecessary waste of time. It is a strong negative emotion, and hence, will attract only negative energy according to the Law of Attraction (LoA).
The universal LoA states that everything in the universe is made of energy, and you can attract the reality you want by constantly visualizing it, and putting out the corresponding energy to the universe. Positive thoughts and actions attract more positive energy, and negative thoughts and actions attract only negative energy. In other words, the more you stress, the less likely it is that money will come to you.
But you should also understand that stressing is only human nature. You may not be able to avoid it completely, but you can definitely learn how to control it. All the millionaires and billionaires around the world reached where they are now because they learned how to gain the upper hand over their emotions, and allowed themselves to accept wealth and all other kinds of abundance.
Give yourself the freedom to allow
Now you may think: “What does it mean to allow oneself to accept? I can’t simply accept and decline what is to happen to me. I don’t have any say in it”. But this is exactly where you are wrong. You have every control over what happens in your life. You have the divine power to shape your own destiny.
The Law of Attraction, as mentioned before, is how the universe works and how it has always been working. Like attracts like. Positive attracts positive, and negative attracts negative. When you believe that you are not worthy of financial success, your negative energy will only attract negative reality. You will never have enough money. But when you open up your mind to all the positive possibilities, it is like a signal to the universe that you allow positive energy to flow into your life. You will receive more and more wealth and abundance every day in every way.
So, be aware of your thought patterns, how you talk to yourself, how you talk to others, how you treat yourself and the people around you. Make sure that you are telling the universe that you allow yourself and that you are ready to receive every kind of positive energy, including financial success. Know that money is valuable, but it is also just energy. Align your own energy to the energy of money to attract it with ease.
Tips for attracting money easily
Now that you understand the art of allowing and the Law of Attraction, you probably have a fair idea of how to allow yourself to attract money without stressing. Here are a few tips to help you out.
- Believe that you are worthy of money
One of the most important tips is to let yourself believe that you are worthy of all the blessings the universe has to offer, and this includes an abundance of money. You may want wealth, but deep down, if you do not believe that you deserve it, you have already created an abundance blockage for yourself even before the universe can do its work.
- Practice the attitude of gratitude
Learn to be grateful for all that you have at the moment. It does not matter if you barely have enough, be thankful that you have something, because you could always have nothing. When you are grateful for what you already have, you will keep getting more. But if you choose to focus on what you lack in life and stress and complain about it, you will attract only negative energy. You will never have enough.
- Break free from learned helplessness
Pay attention to the words you use every day. If you find that there are a lot of “I can’t”, “I am not able” or “I don’t” whenever it comes to getting things done on your own, you are probably stuck in the vicious cycle of helplessness. Obviously, you won’t be attracting any positive energy if your words are filled with negativity. Instead, start saying “I can” and “I am able” with conviction and see how your life takes a complete turn.
- Trust that you can handle money responsibly
The fear that you may not be able to handle a huge amount of money if you attract it all of a sudden is a common abundance blockage. Trust yourself to be able to efficiently handle whatever you attract in life, and this includes money. If you have had a bad experience with money in the past, it may be easy for you to associate money with a bad energy. Resolve this by telling yourself that you have learned from your mistakes and you can now handle money responsibly.
- Learn to share your wealth
The more you give, the more you receive. It’s as simple as that. When you are giving and selfless in nature, you radiate positivity everywhere you go. The positive energy you emit will find its way back to you, and when it does, it will be multiplied a hundred times over. Learn to share whatever you have, even if it is not much. Remember that sharing is caring, and it applies to money as well.