Okay, so here’s the situation.
A girl and guy have been friends for a while, and one day he asks her out. She turns him down because she doesn’t have feelings like that for him. He ends the friendship because he doesn’t want to be in anyone’s ‘friend zone.’
Anyone else see a problem here? Where has maturity gone in this day and age? The whole concept of the ‘friend zone’ makes me cringe.
The entire idea that my friendship is not good enough for you is offensive. You think being turned down for a date is insulting? How do you think I feel knowing that once with sex with me is off the table, I am no longer wanted or valued by you.
It’s fine to be frustrated or sad when someone doesn’t return your romantic feelings, it’s completely normal and understandable.
Since when did being just friends with me become a death sentence to your manhood?
Did you ever stop to think that having someone like me in your corner and having a close bond with someone you admire is nothing to be dissatisfied with?
My friendship is not just a pity offer.
If I didn’t love or value you as a person, I wouldn’t bother trying to be your friend. So don’t think that just because you’re in some made up, ridiculous place known as the ‘friend zone,’ doesn’t mean I think any less of you as a person.
If I make a genuine effort to be in your life, why can’t that be enough?
It should be.
Why isn’t it okay to want to build a foundation of trust and friendship and love, with or without the intention of dating?
I literally don’t understand.
Whose idea was it to bring such a negative connotation to friendship anyway?
It’s wrong, and proponents of this idea need to realize the damage they’re causing to the long-standing foundation that this world was built on— friendship.
For more from rc, visit her writer’s page here.