The Importance of Online Presence For The Modern Day Business

I cannot count how many times have had to explain to businesses that their website is an extension of their brand. In this internet age, a company without a website can easily be passed off as “non-existent”, thinking things cannot even get worse, a company with a poor website can easily be termed “not-serious”.

This is something big brands are aware of and that is why they invest so much in their online presence. Although I said; “invest so much”, websites can be a cost effective way of creating a distinctive brand for yourself as an entrepreneur or a small business owner. Getting a kick ass website in this day and age isn’t as hard or expensive as it used to be but it is important to understand that in the website design world these days – what you pay for is what you get! So, stop looking for the cheapest options or designers in third world countries. Instead, think like a strategic hustler / entrepreneur, try get someone who you can create a strategic relationship with to get a modern and clean website at an affordable price where you both are happy. (Also, please DO NOT be tempted to design your website yourself if you are not a seasoned designer) .

I remember the time I worked with a startup business in London who makes close to £1,000,000 in revenue every year. They had a website which they had someone design when they started the company about 4-5years ago. The website was poor. They started to get complains and started to loose e-trust (when potential  clients begin to mis-trust your business based on their view and perception of  your online presence), their clients complaints was nothing far from “You  claim to be a top London firm in X industry, how can you expect me to spend X  amount of pounds with you if you cannot spend a couple pounds on a clean website“. Not trying to be funny but their website looked like a kid’s first HTML project.

A simple switch in employing my service to re-design and revamp their online presence made them look bigger than they are, feel proud to send potential clients to their website and increase the user’s experience of their website. In simple terms, their website became on par with their brand.

With a website, an hustler can look like a small business, a small business can look medium and a medium business can look BIG! It’s called “e-Branding” (I literally just formulated that word). With that been said, no matter what your hustle is, if you are trying to make it bigger than it is now, get yourself a clean website. It doesn’t have to be too fancy, it should be modern, clean, easy to navigate, easy to contact you and the most importantly – mobile friendly.

This very little and cost effective gesture of getting your website right will strengthen your brand’s online presence.

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I love writing & reading about a relationship between male & female. I am a professional writer for digital marketing. Currently, I'm writing on Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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